Tag Archives: lansing music

Teag & PK Single, Broadcast, and Gigs

Matt and I are pleased to announce that Teag & PK‘s debut single is now available! “Rocket” is part of 3-Way Singles Club, Volume Ten, released via Lansing label It Takes a Village to Make Records (ITAV Records). The monthly release series features three songs, one each from three regional bands, for $3. You can purchase our volume here. That’s equivalent to or cheaper than a trip to your coffee house of choice, and a great way to support local artists! And speaking of local artists, our volume also features Sunil Sawani and Small Houses.

We’re following this up with our return to Port Huron’s Raven Café this Thursday (02.23) evening, 7:30-10:30 PM. Playing there in December was a real treat, and we’re quite looking forward to heading back. Friday morning we’ll be making a couple of radio appearances on Lansing’s 89.7 WLNZ. We’ll be talking and (likely) playing on the Coffee Break Morning Show, and are slated for 9:45 AM. Then at noon we’ll hit the airwaves on The Grand River Radio Diner, 12:00-1:00 PM. For the latter performance, we’ll be playing live at Lansing’s Sir Pizza Grand Café. If you’re not in the greater Lansing area and want to catch any of Friday’s music, you can listen online here. Give a listen if you can!

We recorded our single at Deep Deep Pink, where we’ll be returning the week after next to begin work on our forthcoming album. Stay tuned for details on that.

As always, if you want to stay tuned on all of my music news, you can subscribe to my news feed via RSS.

In other news, MT-Headed Blog continues to grow, both in content and readership. I’ve been maintaining a weekly annotated video series, as well as recently posting weekly articles on all things music-related. Subscribe via RSS if you like it.

Lifted Music Festival & Upcoming Single

 Teag & PK will be performing a set on Friday at Lansing’s Lifted Music Festival at The Loft. (Friday, 6:00-6:45 PM.) We had a nice mention in MSU’s The State News, which is featured here. As an added treat, we’ll be joined by drummer Jim Owens and bassist Rick Wyble (from The Elevator Conspiracy). If you’ll be in the area, tickets are still available – come check it out!

Also, Matt and I just wrapped up our single for our upcoming February release as part of It Takes A Village to Make Records3-Way Singles Club. Big thanks to Deep Deep Pink for helping us out. I’ll post more information here as the release approaches.