A brief update on MT-Headed Blog. The blog continues to plug along, recently touching upon various topics from Wagner to to Anthony Braxton and more. Furthermore, posts such as those on Tord Gustavsen Quartet and Scent of Soil have been featured by the artists themselves, and the blog was even featured in The Wagnerian a few months back!
However, for whatever reason, MT-Headed Blog‘s RSS feed has been having issues in select RSS readers since late 2013, notably in Feedly until very recently. (The feeds themselves appear to be intact, but some readers are problematic.) If you subscribe via RSS and haven’t been receiving updates over the last few months, I recommend following me on Twitter or Facebook – neither of which will flood your news feed/timeline – for updates on new posts.
That being said, the blog and its readership continue to grow. Thanks for following. Onward and upward!