FYI: Branching Out II

As mentioned here, the blog is branching out some via some cross-publication content. The MT-Headed Blog coup is finally taking shape! Or something like that…

Similar to the East Lansing Info-related content, I’ll be publishing some posts here that can be found in different forms elsewhere. In this case, it’s Matt Borghi‘s The Sound Traveler Podcast. Regular readers or visitors (who may not read all the posts) know Matt as my friend and partner in musical crime. His podcast has been going strong for several months. For lack of a better term, it’s a behind the scenes look at Matt’s musical interests, processes, catalogue, influences, new finds, and more. In that regard, it’s not that much different than the format of this blog, only with Matt at the center and via spoken sound and audio clips. The Sound Traveler Podcast is eclectic and compelling, and it hits the web-waves weekly.

(I myself have kicked around the idea of doing a podcast of sorts since 2010 or so, but never seriously pursued it. On my own, I figured I’d do the blog or a podcast, but I opted to stick with this legacy format.)

All that said, I’ve already joined Matt for a couple of episodes (here and here), the second of which was a complementary episode to the last post. The former episode —  featuring a Borghi | Teager triptych (discussion en route to gig, portions of the gig, discussion returning home) — includes my going on a jag about the NEA Jazz Masters and referencing this post.

Looking forward, I’ll write some occasional posts here to coincide with my some of my contributions there when appropriate. The next instance will be the post immediately following this one, a “New Listen” on David Torn’s only sky. Admittedly it’s not the finest vocal work, as it’s the first time I recorded speaking an album review (with skeletal notes while hopped up on caffeine in the middle of the night). But I’ll hopefully get my sea legs before too long.


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